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Title: Calthorpe Orchard - Tasmania's Tamar Valley
ID Number: 8899
State: Tasmania (TAS)
City/Town/Suburb:SIDMOUTH TASMANIA 7270
Categories: Horticulture, Rural - Fishing/Forestry
Description: Calthorpe Orchard is situated within the rural and river front area of Sidmouth,on the western banks of the Tamar River near the Batman Bridge, which is approximately 35 kms North West of Launceston's CBD.

The Tamar Valley is well recognised as an ideal location for growing perennial tree fruit.The property comprises an established orchard with a total land area of approximately 104.07 ha (subject to issue of new titles) and includes approximately 94.07 ha of orchard and potential orchard land and 10 ha of bush and dams etc, four houses, a substantial packing shed with controlled atmosphere cool stores and farm buildings. The orchard has a total developed area of approximately 52.87 ha including apple, cherry and pear trees and is fully irrigated from on-site storage dams. There is potential for further development of the orchard.

Water entitlements/rights-
Mains water is connected to the houses and packing shed and can be used to fill dams if required. The dams on the property are fed by reliable creeks and regular run off. The orchard is serviced by underground mains which are
partly new and all trees are irrigated with drippers.The orchard irrigation system was extensively upgraded in 2004 to modernise and improve the existing system for the plantings at that time and to accommodate future planting. Automated filters and controls are utilised throughout the irrigation system.

The property has the following water licence that enables the property to obtain irrigation water from a registered supply:
- Water Licence No. 8223 to take 34.3 ML of water from Clog Toms Creek between 1 May and 30 September each year.
- Four approved dams on the property filled from Clog Toms Creek,springs and run off.

Situated on the land are four houses, a packing shed with cool stores and various farm buildings. The property boundaries are fenced and typically
include timber and steel post and wire. Other improvements include gravel lanes.

The new plantings include Royal Gala, Pink Lady, Buerre Bosc Pears and 10Ha of the exciting new Jazztm variety. Cherries have also been extensively planted since 2008.

Top-Qual continually assesses orchard performance and market trends to ensure the best possible varietal selection is grown. By growing a diversity of tree fruit crops it also allows staff and equipment to be fully utilised during different harvest and labour periods.

The current orchard management team has extensive experience in fruit tree nursery operations and the development of the nursery over recent years has allowed production of quality trees for use in the development of the new plantings at Calthorpe Orchard, in addition to sales of surplus stock to other growers.

Calthorpe Orchard presents an opportunity to capitalise on the significant capital already invested.


Land Usage: Orcharding
Land Usage: Orcharding
Price: $ 5,500,000.00
Stock Value: Upon application
Net Profit: Upon application
Turnover: Upon application

Contact: The Marketing Administrator
International Business & Introduction Brokers
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